NOVEMBER 15, 2022 Bob Meldahl

What a great fall season we had! The temperatures above normal, the clear sun rises and sunsets and very little rain. A perfect Beggar’s Night for the kids and time to get lots of fall chores finished before the cold weather starts… and by the time I finish this newsletter it will have started. November is the month I remember to be thankful and to give thanks. I am thankful for the things I mentioned but I’m also thankful that COVID is no longer the boogie man keeping us from gathering and getting things done in our neighborhood. I’m thankful for the good neighbors we have who keep an eye out for one another and for the many people in HHCA who want to be a part of helping make this a great organization. Thanks.

Beggar’s Night was a HUGE success! A perfect night coupled with 2 years of COVID restrictions made for a huge turnout in the area. We handed out candy to over 500 children (a record for us) but then add in all the parents and older siblings in the neighborhood and I would guess easily 750 guests to the neighborhood. It was wonderful to see the kids and I personally was very impressed with their manners. Fun time for all

North Street ParkCommunity Gardens now has a 275 gallon IBC water storage tank!

The tank was purchased by the HHCA to help remedy the water challenges we faced last summer. Jose Cabral and Paul Gregory are working on a design to extend the roof of the tower and improve the gutter system to allow more water to be captured from the runoff to the tank. The construction will begin in the spring. Thanks to Brody Meldahl for the use of the truck and your back to pick up the unit.
Despite the water problems – the gardens produced bumper crops this summer. Just ask Isaac!

HHCA’s Christmas Party Dec.3
A great night is in store for HHCA members and their guests on Saturday December 3 from 5:30 – 8:30 at the Buckingham House on 6th Street!

Reservations are required in advance .. the deadline is Sunday November 20 to make your reservations. The night will start off with snacks and BYOB drinks/ water, coffee, tea and lemonade will be included in the meal. Children are encouraged to be part of the festivities and those under 12 are ½ price for their meal. Dinner entrée options are Ham or Lasagna. This will be a full meal prepared by Let Me Do It Caterers run by HHCA’s own Tommy Sue Adam. Adult meal is $24, Children (under 12) is $12. After the meal there will be time to mingle with your neighbors and then…. A visit by Santa who will be bringing a gift for the children! We haven’t gathered for Christmas for 2 long years and this is a very nice event and venue planned by two people who know how to host a great time.. Liz and Dwight McBride.
See page 4 for the reservation form or contact Bob Meldahl and I wil lemail you a copy. We have room for 80 guests!

HAVE YOU HEARD? The church building on Hudson Ave has been sold! Our new neighbors are Monte Christopher a company headquartered in Granville. Their goal is to use the building for 2 of their businesses and to keep the building as it stands. This was the hope of both the HHCA and Newark Development Partners. According to Fred and Amy Ernst the new owners are excited to get renovations underway and to be active in and supportive of the neighborhood. HHCA welcomes Monte Christopher!

At our November 10 membership meeting we had the pleasure of learning about growth in Licking County and how the group Framework was organized to help prepare for the growth. Framework is part of the T.J. Evans Foundation and was developed to work with local governments and organizations as a neutral convener to prepare for the impact of the 20 billion dollar company moving into Licking County.
Our presenter Megan Evans shared with us that there has been steady growth taking place in the county for years but with the advent of Intel moving into western Licking County, that growth will be magnified significantly. Many municipalities and townships in the county (15 of them are involved ) and community groups (such as ours) have joined in to learn how we will be affected and how to plan for the anticipated growth.
Framework wants your input! What are your concerns as a resident of Newark… of the HHCA area… for the county …as it relates to a 20 billion dollar company coming to the area over the next 3 years as well as all of the support industries that will come to supply it? Last night we heard about residential growth, how schools are anticipating expansion, traffic concerns and how local governments are planning for this growth.
PLEASE VISIT give your thoughts (I did it and it was very easy!!)
We were assured every response will be read and noted.
These are exciting times!!

A marker commemorating the crash of the B25 Bomber in 1942 has new taken on new energy. A group is finalizing where it will be placed – then the fund raising will begin. This has been 4 years in the making and we hope to have it finished and ready for a September 8 (81st anniversary of the crash) dedication. More as it developes. (enlarge the picture to read the marker)
Page 4
Saturday December 3rd 2022 5:30-8:30 pm
Reservation Form

LAST NAME:_____________________________________
ADULTS ATTENDING (FIRST NAME): (for food purposes adults are age 13 and older)
1) ________________ 2) ________________ 3)________________ 4) ________________
5)_________________ 6) ________________
CHILDREN ATTENDING: (children are ages 12 and under)
FIRST NAME Age Interests/Hobbies (Santa needs to know!)
1)_________________ ______ _______________________________________________
2)_________________ ______ _______________________________________________
3)_________________ ______ _______________________________________________
4)_________________ ______ _______________________________________________
QUANTITY ____ HAM X $24 = $________
QUANTITY ____ LASAGNA X $24 = $________
QUANTITY ____ HAM X $12 = $________
QUANTITY ____ LASAGNA X $12 = $________ GRAND TOTAL: $__________

Please return form by NOVEMBER 20 (Sunday) with payment made out to: HHCA To: Penny Grisanti 555 Hudson Ave Newark OH 43055 5:30-6 Hospitality Snacks (BYOB) Full catered dinner to follow, time to mingle – then Santa arrives with gifts!!Contact Liz McBride with questions: call (614) 774-5535 or email
Memberships are due January 1, 2023. Please send yours in early. There is strength in numbers and the HHCA has done well with keeping strong numbers. Please ask your neighbors to come to a meeting – we would love to meet them!

Historic Hudson Community Association Membership Application
Annual Membership January 1 to December 31
Dues required by January 31
Please check the appropriate box when sending in your application and dues.
Membership Classifications
❒ $5 Senior (62 and older) ❒ $5 Student (high school or beyond)
❒ $5 Associate member (non resident) ❒ $10 Regular member (resident voting)
❒ $150 Lifetime member ❒ $25 Business member
Please print
Name ___________________________________________________________________
Address ______________________________________________________________________
City State Zip Code__________
Phone Number E-mail Address __________________________________
I am interested in being involved in:
My concerns are:
Make check payable to “Historic Hudson Community Association”
Mail to: HHCA P.O. Box 5211 Newark OH 43058-5211