November 16, 2023 Bob Meldahl

It’s been an odd fall this year… the weather has been so good. The sunrises and sunsets on our sunny days have been some of the best ever! The trees were as beautiful as I recall them being in my 40+ years in the area. AND no snow… to date. I’m thankful for all that.
I’m also very thankful for the people in HHCA who step up to make things happen for their neighbors and our organization. We just had the election of officers and trustees and we have a seasoned group assuming all positions… namely Dwight McBride VP, Steve Mendicino Treasurer, Paul Gregory Secretary and I will serve another term as President. Our Trustees are Connie Rutter, Mary Mendicino, Monica Ginn and Theresa Gregory. All of these very approachable people are here to serve the HHCA membership and lend an ear to everyone within our boundaries. We are all dedicated to making this a better neighborhood!

Cell phone pictures Taken on my daily dog walks
The Church Building on Hudson Ave
Progress is being made on the interior of the building changing the buildings use over to a publishing and video business. I hope to get some updates on the building soon, but I am particularly pleased that the weather cooperated this month and painting the exterior has been taking place. These are exciting times as that grand building has sat empty since it was last used as a children’s theater many years ago. It’s exciting because of the positive progress that Monte Christopher is making in our neighborhood. This will continue to be an exciting development and we can watch with anticipation for what the final product will look like.
These photos were taken last week!

Community Supporters!
The HHCA membership voted unanimously Thursday November 9 to continue to support the Midland
Theatre with a donation of $150. The donation will be made in January. The HHCA is noted in each program for our support. Our community is blessed to have this magnificent building with such a dedicated staff and volunteers and such a great line up of entertainment.
Channel Street is finished and Paved!
After a year of constant construction, rerouting, road closures, and a road worthy of only army tank travel…West Channel Street is finished and paved. This is a huge relief not only to those who live on the street but to those who travel it. For those who live there – your patience paid off and gives hope to the residents of other streets facing the same situation.
HHCA Christmas Party will be held Saturday December 9 from 5:30 – 8:30 pm at the
Buckingham House in 6th Street Park. Reservations MUST be made by FRIDAY December 1st.
The reservation form is attached to this newsletter!! The event is open to ALL HHCA
members, their children and guests.
If last year is any indication of what we can look forward to this year – this will be an exceptional event.
Dwight and Liz McBride do things right! This is a fun festive night out and fun for the entire family. We start the evening with a hospitality mixer and if you care to bring alcohol you may… other beverages will be provided. This will be followed by a wonderful catered meal, catered by Let Me Do It caterers and HHCA’s own Tommy Adam. After the bountiful feast we will have a visit from Father Christmas (you’ll have to see this to appreciate it), a presentation of gifts to the children and lots of photo ops! We will then have the opportunity to walk down the sidewalk to the adjoining property to the Sherwood Davidson Museum where we can view the 1940s themed Christmas throughout the house. Sign up TODAY!
HHCA Chicken Noodle Dinner and Auction January 21 4-6:30
USW Hall 350 Hudson Ave
Put it on your calendars and make plans to attend our only
HHCA Fund Raising event! We will need to have lots of volunteers to make this event
a success, so please let me know where you’d like to help. (
Currently I need volunteers to find items for our auction. You volunteer to contact people and I’ll
share a list of those who have donated in the past and give you a letter explaining the event and
what we are looking for, to hand out to the prospective donor. These are both physical items
and services. If you would like to make a donation of a gift card or item please contact me. I
begin this process with an organizational meeting of those who volunteer and we move forward
from there. Please help.
Dates to keep in mind:
November 25 Saturday Open House at the Buckingham House and the Sherwood Davidson House Museum at 6h Street Park from 5 – 8 pm. Refreshments will be served at the Buckingham House. The Sherwood Davidson Museum theme this year is A 1940s Christmas. The Heisey Museum will also be open at 6th Street Park and the Webb House Museum will be open for touring at 303 Granville Street Newark. Come celebrate Christmas in the Park! There will be great photo ops for all with a life like deer! This is a family friendly event!
December 9 0Saturday 5:30 – 7:30 pm Buckingham House 6th Street Park HHCA Members/Guests Christmas…………….. Party (Family event!!)
December 18 (week of) HHCA Area Wide Christmas Outdoor Decorating Contest
Purpose of our organization: we are a volunteer neighborhood group looking for ways to improve our historic neighborhood through activities, social events, tours, guest speakers and sharing. We welcome new neighbors to our meetings so if you have some – invite them to join us for a meeting and so we can get to know one another. We look for ways to help each other… we look out for our neighbors, help with grass cutting, leaf raking, snow shoveling, keeping an eye on one another’s homes and cars. We offer an annual scholarship to a person in our HHCA area for continuing education. We also listen to your needs… how can we improve the neighborhood you live in? Let us know. Feel free to
bounce back to me by email.