June 19, 2021
There is lots of good news to report this month! And by the way – if you are aware of any happenings that I can report in Good News – please pass them along to me… and if possible include pictures.
Way back in March, I committed after the incident that cleared off our median that we would rebuild and at no cost to the HHCA treasury. I had every faith that we could pull that off… I just had to figure out how. With a huge debt of gratitude to Mark Fraizer and the City of Newark – we have pulled it off! Street light re-installed, banners replaced and hung, planters brought to the site and thanks to Anne Rau – beautifully planted and now the signs have been made and installed. Dwight McBride spent many hours clearing out the big bed of vegetation and lots of glass! All that is left to do is to level out some of the brick and re-sand them in and replant the large bed.WE DID IT!

Several months ago I met with the Newark Parks Director to discuss putting in a swing set at the park. Jane Ann Crowley had pledged $500 to this project as she wanted to have it happen for the kids. Covid 19 and weather set all plans for the purchase – delivery and installation back… then came the shortage of labor experienced by the parks department, Memorial Day – where all available employees maintain cemeteries 1st then parks… and it rained constantly. Jeff Hoskiss – Park Director (and one of Newark City’s hardest working employees) stayed in touch with me all along the way and promised to get it done as soon as he could catch a break. Well – look what popped up in the last 2 days!

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The swing set placement was selected for safety (clear from obstacles) and so that we can add on more units in the future. Jeff will see what monies are left in the budget at the end of the fall season and see if we can have an additional unit installed with toddler swings.
WHAT CAN YOU DO TO HELP AT THE PARK? Visit it! If you see trash out of the receptacles pick it up – teach your children to be a part of the keeping our park nice… Currently there are weeds appearing in the mulch that can easily be pulled (I know – I did it)- pull them and throw them in the grass… they’ll get mulched when it is mowed. It’s our park – use it and enjoy it.
While we are on the subject of the park – it’s hard not to notice the incredible changes in the community gardens. The beds are flourishing…. A bit beyond belief! The plants had a rough start when we had the several days of dry and very hot temperatures…. But the gardeners stayed after their beds with lots of water and kept their plants from “cooking”. Now with more moderate temps and plenty of rain – the plants are huge and healthy.

None of this came about without the constant attention of the “garden guru” Paul Gregory. Maintaining the Community Garden is a job he takes to heart and gives it lots of hours. Just last week Paul spent several hours problem solving and fixing the water collection system. It is functioning at full capacity. The park looks great!!
The “Calming Circles” are slowing the traffic on Hudson and to a small extent – encouraging traffic to find other routes. There are still people who don’t understand how to navigate the calming circles so be cautious… understand that the first one to enter the circle is in and all other traffic is to yield…. It is that confusion that slows traffic. PLEASE TAKE THE SURVEY and share your opinion. Remember – these are temporary and will be replace with permanent structures once it has been determined if they are working or if they need to be moved to other areas.
Have you noticed the sign in the area next to the old church at the south end of Hudson Ave? The developers are sharing who they are and good things will be taking place at both the church site and the open area where the sign is. I’m am excited about the prospects.
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How about a tour of Buckeye Lake aboard The Queen of the Lake III – an 88 foot sternwheeler? The boat is operated by the Greater Buckeye Lake Historical Society.
Members of the HHCA are looking into setting up a private tour narrated by volunteers of the GBLHS sharing the current and past sites of the lake including Cranberry Bog and Buckeye Lake Amusement Park. Bounce back if you have an interest. My feeling is we would be inviting non HHCA friends as well as HHCA members and children in an effort to fill the boat. It accommodates over 50 people. I will post more information on this as it becomes available!
Problem properties? If you have a problem property within the HHCA area that is breaking either Newark Building Codes or Licking County Health Department Codes it is your responsibility as a resident to report the problem to the proper authority to get it remedied. It is done anonymously. This is how we keep our properties safe and home values up. I am happy to assist any HHCA member in giving you the resources I have to file a report… and as well – if I see the infraction as a concern to the neighborhood – to report it through the property and health committee of the HHCA. I can promise you that it will get the attention of the appropriate department. Simply email me if you need help.
HHCA Picnic in the Park is scheduled for July 24. It is a covered dish affair with HHCA providing drinks, place settings, eating utensils, buns, hot dogs and brats. Each family will provide a covered dish, serving utensils, chairs or blankets. The park will provide some shelter and shade but we will have a few pop up tents as well. Mary Mendicino is coordinating this year’s event and that can’t be anything but FUN….. we will have more information coming to you in the near future.