April 20, 2021 Bob Meldahl
The strength of an organization is measured in its membership and its accomplishments. We are doing well in both categories! We are at 71 members and 6 businesses and hoping for several renewals. This is as large as this organization has been. We welcome all the people who would like to join us – so please talk to your neighbors and invite them to come to a future meeting or event to see who and what we are. I’ll name a few of our new members at the risk of forgetting to note someone – so if I fail to mention you and you are new since January 1 2022 – let me know… I’ll catch you next go round. NEW: Ray & Marylou Crabtree, Grant & Nancy Nesbitt, Alex McHugh, Tracy Harris, Marilyn Kister, Alexandra Smith and Maggie Ghiloni.

Despite rescheduling the garden prep day one week, hoping for better weather, Mother Nature didn’t cooperate. And despite the cold, snow, wind and rain a crew of 6 brave souls came out April 9 at 9 am and put up the greenhouse, cleaned up the garden beds and prepped the area for nicer days ahead and spring planting. GREAT JOB HHCA VOLUNTEERS! I am informed by Paul Gregory (head of the gardens) that 9 of the 10 beds are claimed (we just finished building these last year so this is great!!). If you would like to inquire about a bed (free to members) or ask about tubs or if you’d just like to volunteer – please email Paul at: pkgregory1988@gmail.com

Literally! The weather was picture perfect at 11:00 am when the group of 12 people came to the southernmost point of Hudson Ave to begin the banner project. Annually we take down the banners, wash them, apply a UV protectant and rehang them. This is part of the agreement with the sponsors (see the banners for who sponsored the banners) who helped HHCA fund the project to line the street with banners. We had 3 ladder crews and wash table. 12 was the perfect number to get the job done and we did it in only 2 ½ hours. It’s a great way to beautify one of the HHCA areas and to meet your neighbors…. We even picked up 4 more folks who want to sponsor banners. Thanks to everyone who participated.

THIS SATURDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! APRIL 23 @ 9:00 am meet at North Street Park for our next big event! (mark your calendars right now)
Our thanks to Theresa Gregory for volunteering to lead this event again this year! In the words of Melissa Seville from the Development Office (City of Newark) “This is the best neighborhood clean-up project in Newark”. It’s easy to be a part of this event! The City provides us with contractor grade trash bags, gloves and trash hauling trucks (parked across from Rayco Appliances in the gravel lot by the church building). We meet at North Street Park (enter from the alley at 20 West North Street) shelter house for donuts, coffee and juice. We sign up for areas we want to clean up, we team up and get our bags and gloves then gather trash. Literally any street in the HHCA area. If you have a garage to clean out – now’s the time! Bring the bags to the trucks or arrange with Theresa to have us pick up your bags. We must finish by 12 noon so please plan ahead to have the items picked up or delivered by 11:30-11:45 am. We do this event annually just before the May 14 Plant Sale – Yard Sale in the HHCA area to make our community more inviting for our guests. JOIN THE FUN and meet some of the greatest neighbors on earth! Contact Theresa at: bostonbuckeyes@aol.com This event is rain or shine! Kids are welcomed and encouraged to participate! (NO TIRES accepted in this clean up… take them to your local tire shop for disposal)

Meet Issac (and little sister Zoe) Issac is 7 years old and is a frequent flyer at North Street Park. I witnessed Issac cleaning up litter around the shelter house and the big toys. He says he does it to keep the park nice for kids to play there. He does this without being prompted. He and Paul Gregory developed quite a relationship last summer and even got to plant some carrots in Paul’s plot (he’s quite proud of that!). My new motto is: BE LIKE ISSAC!
Unselfish, giving and self-motivated!

I think everyone at the meeting (approximately 50 people) would agree the documentary on the B 25 bomber crash in 1942 on Hudson Ave was incredibly well done, well researched and well presented. I want to thank Doug Stout (Library Historian) for sharing this premier with the HHCA. We look to further support his efforts to commemorate this historic event and honor those who perished both in the plane and on the ground. Copies of the DVD are available at the library for $10.

will be at USW Hall.
The meeting will start with the new director of the Canal Market District Bailey McCoy giving a brief explanation of what will go on in the Farmer’s Market this season. Come with questions and learn what this great resource means to Newark and local farmers.

EVENT DATE: TUESDAY MAY 17 at 7:00 PM Come early that evening and park in the lot south of the building – then take a walk around the old jail. Be at the front door just before tour time.
HHCA members and their guests will have the opportunity to tour the Historic Jail in downtown Newark thanks to Connie Rutter’s efforts to make the arrangements with the group saving and renovating the building. The tour allows us to take an in-depth view of quarters for the jailed and those who ran the jail. Lots of great insights and this promises to be a fun and educational event. Photo ops galore. You must pre-register so that we can determine how many tours will be necessary. We have 21 people currently registered. Pre-register at:
bobqsp2@windstream.net and please do so no later than a week ahead of the tour (May 10).
ADULTS: $10 (donation to the group restoring the jail)
Children: Free and must be accompanied by parent or grandparent
I am hopeful HHCA can support this group with a large showing.
Neighborhood Clean-Up April 23 (Saturday 9 am)
MEET at North Street Park for donuts and coffee/juice and assignments
HHCA Membership Meeting guest speaker May 12 7 PM
Bailey McCoy – Canal Market District
Yard Sale/Master Gardener Plant Sale May 14 (Saturday)
HHCA Guided Jail Tour ($10 per adult donation to jail preservation) May 17 (Tuesday) 7pm
No membership meetings June-July-August
Picnic at the Park July 23 (Saturday)
Food – Fun – Games – Potluck
Membership Progressive Dinner August 27 (Saturday)
(start time and houses to be announced)
HHCA Membership Meeting September 8 7 PM
HHCA Membership Meeting October 13 7 PM
HHCA Membership Meeting November 10 7 PM
Christmas Party December ???
Christmas Decorating Contest Judging December (week of 12/19)
Additional events may be added and the schedule will be updated when they are.