DECEMBER 15, 2022 Bob Meldahl

What exciting times are ahead of us. To think of what we have gone through the past 2 years with social restrictions and fear of an unknown pandemic to having the freedom to socialize again and breathe a sigh of relief that we have seen the worst of it and are getting back to normal. Yep – we still need to be cautious but at least we can feel human again! And never did that come to life more vividly than on 2 occasions – Beggars Night with record numbers of trick or treaters (over 500 for us) and more recently at the HHCA Christmas Dinner Party with a great attendance and such fun.
We have had several properties sell in the HHCA area and we look forward to meeting our new neighbors. Our new neighborhood business Monte Christopher is quite excited to come to the neighborhood and looks forward to being active with the HHCA. Add to that – we are having our HHCA Chicken Noodle Dinner and Auction again for the first time in 2 years… certainly a social event to look forward to. We are blessed with many good fortunes this December of 2022.

Board Changes
Annually our HHCA Board changes due to term limits and we certainly want to thank Jose Cabral for his 4 years of service as a trustee and Rachael Ooten for her 2 years of service as a trustee. We look forward to your service again and your volunteer work in the HHCA in the meantime! We also welcome incoming trustees Monica Ginn and Theresa Gregory. Both of these HHCAers have been very active in a variety of committees and events and will be a great addition to the HHCA board.
The balance of the trustees are Mary Mendicino and Connie Rutter. Officers are: Dwight McBride – Vice President, Penny Grisanti – Treasurer, Paul Gregory – Secretary and Bob Meldahl – President
Having had two years of difficulty in holding in person meetings due to COVID restrictions…. I think the board did an outstanding job of keeping the HHCA strong and very healthy. Very fortunately we had a healthy treasury two years ago but in addition – we had many people and businesses step up with donations to keep us running smoothly and allow us to do the many things we do without having to be stingy. We gave 2 $1,000 scholarships, replaced banners, made big improvements at the community gardens, made improvements at the median, continued to decorate the median seasonally and supported the Licking County Historical Society… and I’m sure I’m missing lots of other areas we invested in. I felt it was very heartwarming – during these tough times – to see how many people jumped up and said “I’ll do that” or I’d like to pay half of the scholarship this year, or I’ll paint the signs and I’ll get the paint, I’ll set up the old jail tour , We’ll put the Christmas Party together, I’ll be your Santa…… This is an organization of doers, helpers and involved kind-hearted neighbors.

IT’S ON!!!
The world famous
Walt Hinger’s Chicken
Noodle Dinner and
HHCA Auction

JANUARY 21, 2023 4-6:30 PM
Please mark your calendars and make sure to arrive on time, hungry and ready to have some fun! The meal includes a healthy plate of homemade chicken and noodles, mashed potatoes, green beans and a roll. Bottled water, iced tea or coffee are included. Top your meal off with a homemade dessert (pies, cookies, cake, brownies, etc) just an additional $1. Bring your wallets and check books as we have lots of fun too. Buy raffle tickets to drop in a box to try your luck at winning items in the Raffle Auction, write down your silent bids in the Silent Auction and raise your hands to win great items in the LIVE AUCTION. Kids items, Teen items too! We never know what all will show up… we have alignments for your vehicle, oil changes, free dinners, physical items, gift certificates, ice skating rink passes and we’ve just begun to get items. Add to this – TRIVIA contests to win fun stuff!
The price for the meal is just $10 per adult and $5 per child (try spending that at McDonalds!). We haven’t raised the price in 4 years despite costs skyrocketing – so we really need the help at the auction! As a bonus – you get to meet neighbors, bring friends and its good old fashioned fun.
BTW – appeal for auction items. We could always use a few more auction items. Would you or your family like to contribute an item, gift card or a “basket” to the auction? It is fun and rewarding to know you helped. All you need to do is email me (Bob Meldahl) with what you’d like to contribute. I will pick it up. I will need to know what it is (description for me to use in the program) and an approximate value. I do ask that the items be new (re-gifted is fine!!). You can even offer a service (I’ll mow your yard when you go on vacation, I’ll shovel your walk for the month of February, be creative!) Items/services etc. must be in my hands by JANUARY 12 (THURSDAY). Thanks to anyone willing to help!
HHCA’s Christmas Party December 3, 2022 – Oh what a night!
Liz and Dwight McBride sure know how to throw a party – but this one was beyond expectation. The decorations, the catering service (Let Me Do It – Tommy Adam) the food was delicious and plentiful, the mingle at the jingle, a visit from the real Santa Claus (ask any kid who was there!!), door prize drawings and to top it off a free tour of the Sherwood Davidson House Museum decorated for a Civil War Christmas. Pictures tell the story!

Above is Joe Kennedy the first president and organizer of the HHCA and the then youngest member of HHCA Ryan Meldahl
(at 10 years old)
Before I continue on… these folks weren’t smiling for the camera…. They were doing that all night!

Our terrific hosts Liz and Dwight McBride with Augie

And the shot of the night (thank you, former HHCA president, Sherry Cass for most of the pictures!)

Monte Christopher
Co-Ower, Chris Eckels and VP of Public Affairs, Brittany Misner and I met on November 29 to discuss the HHCA and to welcome them to our neighborhood. It was fun getting to know one another. But – I had to ask them a huge favor.

Monte Christopher will be a huge asset to the HHCA area and to Newark. We should all look forward to the development of their newly acquired property!
I learned that Chris has been a central Ohio resident most of his life. He is from Reyoldsburg and currently lives in Granville. Brittany is also from central OH having attended Lakewood Schools, worked with the local Chamber of Commerce and is a grad of COTC. Their business is a multi faceted company (look them up on Google). Chris was looking for a property that would house 2 of the companies within Monte Christopher. He was shown the Hudson Ave building and knew instantly – it was a great fit. The building will remain as it looks (upgraded of course) and the empty lots next to it will serve for parking and future growth as needed. Chris has an interest in preserving the integrity of the building and has an interest in the neighborhoods and the downtown. This is all very encouraging news.
After a very enjoyable meeting – I asked the favor, I was bracing for possible rejection.
Most of you know there has been a committee working on the development and placement of a historic marker for the B 25 bomber crash that took place in the area of the 100 block of Hudson Ave where the church stands. The most memorable of the photographs taken at the scene depicts the house across the street with the 4 large pillars, on fire with people rushing in and out the front door. The committee wants to do justice to a commemorative marker making it available for people to read while standing in the area of the tragic war time event (Sept. 8,1942). We are hoping people will be able to find a convenient place to park and come face the property at the corner of Hudson and Wyoming and take in the scope of the event as they read the marker.
Chris’ reaction was more than I could have hoped for. “Bob – I was a history major. We are honored that you have asked us to be a part of the project. We don’t have a plan finalized for the property… but we will make this work! We want to work with the committee too.”
How is that for a grand entrance into the HHCA area? Welcoming the opportunity to work with the HHCA, work with the Marker Committee to find a place for the marker and serve on the committee! I too am honored – to have met such great people.
These are exciting times!!

A marker commemorating the crash of the B25 Bomber in 1942 has taken on new energy. A group is finalizing where it will be placed – then the fund raising will begin. This has been 4 years in the making and we hope to have it finished and ready for a September 8 (81st anniversary of the crash) dedication. More as it developes. (enlarge the picture to read the marker)
Memberships are due January 1, 2023. Please send yours in early. There is strength in numbers and the HHCA has done well with keeping strong numbers. Please ask your neighbors to come to a meeting – we would love to meet them!

Next HHCA Meeting is January 12
350 Hudson Ave.
Historic Hudson Community Association Membership Application
Annual Membership January 1 to December 31
Dues required by January 31
Please check the appropriate box when sending in your application and dues.
Membership Classifications
❒ $5 Senior (62 and older) ❒ $5 Student (high school or beyond)
❒ $5 Associate member (non resident) ❒ $10 Regular member (resident voting)
❒ $150 Lifetime member ❒ $25 Business member
Please print
Name ___________________________________________________________________
Address ______________________________________________________________________
City State Zip Code__________
Phone Number E-mail Address __________________________________
I am interested in being involved in:
My concerns are:
Make check payable to “Historic Hudson Community Association”
Mail to: HHCA P.O. Box 5211 Newark OH 43058-5211
(or mail to HHCA- Penny Grisanti- Treasurer 555 Hudson Ave Newark, OH 43055)