Bob Meldahl
As I write this newsletter it is very cold, windy and snowflakes were dancing in the breeze this morning. I need this headline to keep me positive because March has been a wild ride and especially cold and windy.But the daffodils have put up a valiant effort to make it through the cold and snow…. by gosh, so can we! Better days are ahead. Here is some proof in the neighborhood – Mother Nature is trying her best to kick old man winter out.
Here’s a Good News story to love. I got a text from a neighbor to let me know that a family (I frequently see walking together on nice days throughout the neighborhood) had stopped to pick up trash from her next door neighbors front yard. She was so pleased to see this act of kindness that she wanted to let me know. It was the Hemingers – Andrew and Jenna with 2 their children and their pup. I texted Andrew about the text I had gotten from Liz McBride. He was grateful that Liz appreciated the gesture but noted that is part of their family walk… making the area look a little better than they found it. What a great message for their children. Well done Andrew and Jenna!
Speaking of cleaning up the neighborhood… the HHCA Neighborhood Cleanup will be Saturday April 22… and we kick it off at the shelter house at North Street Park at 9 am. We will have coffee, juice and donuts at the shelter house for the participants. This is a great event that we can all participate in and hopefully all of us will.
If you would like to clean up a section of the greater HHCA area, just email Theresa Gregory (our clean-up committee head) and let her know where you’d like to clean up (ie… Kibler Ave from Elizabeth to … both sides of the street) or just meet at the park and see what areas have not been claimed. If you (and your team/family) would like to help but Saturday won’t work… do it any day … put the trash out in front of your house for the April 22 pick-up (or if you have alley pick up in back of your house) and let Theresa know where to pick it up. We will pick it up Saturday and deliver it to the truck. You may also put your trash collection in your trash. We have heavy duty trash bags for you as well as adult sized work gloves you may pick up before the Saturday event and we will also have them at the park April 22. Theresa may be reached at:
The NEW HHCA Coffee mugs are available. They come with a gift box and the price is just $4. T o reserve your mug(s), please email Bob Meldahl @ Of our initial order of 48- we have 20 left but we can reorder any quantity at any time.
Please note that the mugs are hand wash only.
In an effort to recognize the huge commitment to the success of the HHCA group in general but as well to the Chicken Noodle Dinner, the HHCA board voted last month to have an “In Appreciation of” banner made for Walt Hinger. It was hung at the corner of Sisal and Hudson last week by Dwight McBride. Walt- who lives at the north corner of Elizabeth and Hudson is among the first residents to become a HHCA member and has been very active in many facets of the organization. He is particularly well known for his ability to feed the masses be it breakfast or his famous Chicken and Noodle dinners. The board wanted Walt to know that his many efforts are greatly appreciated.
MARK YOUR CALENDARS NOW! April 13 7 PM HHCA meeting at the Midland
HHCA will have a PRIVATE TOUR of the Midland Theatre. Our tour will include areas not open to the public. We will take in the beauty of the theater from the stage looking into the audience and more. We will be guided through the facility by a staff member and learn about the history of Newark’s outstanding and recently renovated crown jewel.
YOU MUST email to be on the list of attendees. We are not trying to eliminate anyone – but in fairness to the group and the theater – we need to know in advance – how many people to plan for.
The event is open to HHCA members, their families (children are welcomed) and guests. This will be done via a sign up list to keep it manageable for our group size (like we did on the jail tour). You will need to contact to me by email with the names of those attending in your party…at: This will allow me to keep a record of attendees. I am asking for a $5 donation per adult (18 years of age and older). The theatre doesn’t require this – I wanted to make a group donation to support the facility. Please send your payment made out to: HHCA to Penny Grisanti – Treasurer at either: HHCA PO Box 9211 Newark, OH 43058 or directly to her home at 555 Hudson Ave Newark, OH 43055 Please sign up from NOW through April 7 12:00 noon.
North Street Park now has a second swing set with a toddler swing. Come on up to the park and enjoy the (anticipated) warmer weather. Lots of big toys to play on plus a shelter house with grills. Bring a ball and play 4 square or shoot into the giant funnel. tether ball will be up soon!!
UPDATE!! The fundraising for the marker commemorating the 1942 crash of the B25 Bomber has reached $2500 and it will be ordered soon. The following HHCAers have contributed: Richard Weston, Clarence & Connie Rutter, Darin & Monica Ginn, Steve & Mary Mendicino, Bob & Bobbie Meldahl, and Tim Taylor. The committee is now finalizing the wording and graphics for the marker and will place the order when that is done.
The fund raising continues as we are at the halfway point of our goal. The balance of the funds will go toward the landscape, erecting the post and maintenance for the marker area. If you wish to contribute to the marker fund-please email me: The HHCA is accepting the funds for the group and we are a 501-3c non-profit group.
We hope to have it finished and ready for a September 8th (81st anniversary of the crash) dedication.
Garden News:
Paul Gregory (head of the garden) would like to hear from anyone who would like a bed for the coming year. There is no charge to HHCA members and Non Members pay $10 for the use of the bed for a season. Contact Paul @
Saturday March 25 10 am – Noon(ish) Paul would like to have a work day at the park gardens for all who have gardens and those who want to volunteer.
*Move IBC tank into relative position on concrete blocks
*Move the wood structure to where the current tool shed is.
*Move the tool shed
*Remove soil from former greenhouse to needed garden plots
*Move compost bins
*Individual tenant plot preparation