THE HHCA Board voted to cancel the Neighborhood Clean-up scheduled for April 25 due to concerns for the COVID-19 pandemic.
This would have fallen in the peak week of the disease and since we gather for assignments and refreshments – it isn’t a good idea to try to do it.
HOWEVER 🙂 no reason not to do it on your own. Grab a plastic bag or bucket, gloves and head out to the streets and alleys and enjoy a beautiful spring day. Dump the trash you find in your own trash can.
Several of you are already doing it…good on you!
Benefits: do it any day you wish… do it on multiple days…make ours a prettier place to walk and drive through….others will appreciate the improved view.
Maybe you have noticed how many people are walking! I’ve never seen so many families, couples and dog walkers… there is good in every situation and this is truly enlightening to see.
BTW I still have 4 25 MPH signs available to HHCA members for just $5 each. Email me if you have an interest.
Spring is Springing!