MERRY CHRISTMAS HHCA and Happy Holidays We are blessed to celebrate Christmas this year in much better circumstances than last year. What a difference a year makes! As a world – we were faced with such uncertainty, left feeling anxious about the future as the pandemic spread with no hope for a cure in sight….
Good News is coming in all the time but I took the month of August off from sharing it in the Newsletter. We have a record number of HHCA members! We have 75 members and 7 businesses… the most since I have been president (6 years). One of the benefits of membership (and there are…
October is a beautiful month and our neighbors are taking full advantage of the great weather we have had to keep their properties looking great. There are many homes cleverly decorated with beautiful fall mums, pumpkins, Halloween decorations and such – it is great to walk or drive in the area and see what the…
Lots of Good News to share this month. First off – a huge THANK YOU to the Jerry McClain Company for financing the finishing touches to the median rebuild project. I promised HHCA would rebuild the median as good or better than it was and at no cost to the HHCA budget. Again, I had…
June 19, 2021 There is lots of good news to report this month! And by the way – if you are aware of any happenings that I can report in Good News – please pass them along to me… and if possible include pictures. Way back in March, I committed after the incident that cleared…
Hudson Avenue Traffic Calming Circles – Demonstration Project
The City of Newark, Licking County Health Department, and LCATS have teamed up to create a demonstration project at the intersections of Hudson/Shields and Hudson/North in Newark, Ohio. The temporary project will include traffic calming circles at both intersections. Learn what traffic calming circles are, when they will be installed, why this location was chosen,…
The Historic Hudson Community Association’s Scholarship
$1,000 Joe Kennedy Scholarship Any resident of the Historic Hudson Community Association District is eligible for the 2021 Joe Kennedy Scholarship. The Scholarship may be awarded to any District resident to use for post-secondary education. The scholarship is for tuition only, and the money that is awarded will be sent directly to the educational institution…
Whew – what a brisk start to February! Cold and snowy … what is this… Winter! If you have taken a few minutes to get outside – despite the cold – it is beautiful! It also a great time to check on your neighbors, shovel walks and go for walks. Please keep in mind there…